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Welcome to our family website

We're Steve, Anne, Rhys, Jordan and Rebekah plus Zippy the cat living in Tonna, a village in the Neath Valley, South Wales, UK. That's four of us in the picture above (back in 2008), and this one's Steve ...

This site has sections about the oceans (Steve's main area of work); a selection of pages about recumbents (laid-back bikes, good for you and good for the planet); some info and links about our lovely but wet home country of Wales, a gallery section (rather out of date now) and links to other sites that reflect our interests.

2014 news update

Since all of us opened Facebook accounts I must admit that this little website is rarely updated, most of our news, photos etc can be found on FB - for me look up 'TonnaSteve' and you'll find the rest of us from there.

2014 has been a year of change as Rhys finished at Plymouth University, Jordan finished his second year of horticulture and moved onto catering at Neath College, and Rebekah focussed on art and design. Steve is busy in his marine science policy world, and Anne's still helping make sick people well again ;) 

Best wishes from Steve and family.


Last update by Steve 18th September 2014. email me HERE to report problems with the site, or just to say hello.